Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Assignment on Structure in C++

Q1. Define a structure for employee having the following fields

Name Char[30]

Empcode char[10]

Father’s name char[30]

Salary float;

Q2. Define a structure for CAR having the following fields

Model char[10]

CC int

Name Char[10]

Year of manuf. Int

Q3. Define a structure for STUDENT having the following fields

Student name char [20]

Roll no int

Father’s name char[20]

Class int

Section char

Q4. Define a structure for BOOK having the following fields


First name char[10]

Last name char[10]

Middle name char[10]


Name char[10]

Place char [10]


Access No integer

Title Char[30]

Pages integer

Publisher Pub_address

Author NAME

Q5. Find out the error(s) for the following code segment



short day;

short month;

short year;

}birth_date, joiing_date , retire_date;

Q6. Find out the error(s) for the following code segment

Struct First


int a;

float b;


struct second


int a;

float b;


s1.a = 10; s1.b=20;

s1 = s2;

Q7 Find out the error(s) in the following program segment

Struct time

{ int hrs, mins;


time t1;

Q8. Identify and discuss the error(s) in the following code segment


struct s1 {

int a;

float b;

char c;

} st1,st2,st3;

int main( )


struct s2 {

int x;

float y;

char z;


// read and initialize structure




Ss3.z = st1.c;




void func1( )


ss2.x = st1.a;

ss3.y = st2.b;

ss1.z = st3.c;

ss1 = ss3;


Q9. Give the output of the following program segment


struct point


int x, y;


void display( point P)


cout<<P.x <<” :”<<p.y<<endl;


void main( )


point U={20.40},V,W;

V = U;

V.x +=20;

W = V;

U.y +=10;

U.x +=5;

W.x -=5;





Q10. Declare and initialize an array of 5 students that store rollno, name and marks in 3 subjects for students.

Q11. Declare a structure to represent a student having the following fields NAME, ROLL NO , PHY, MATHS,

CHEMISTRY, ENGLISH , COMPUTER, TOTAL MARKS , GRADE. Also write a program to read the

fields NAME, ROLL NO, and marks obtained in PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, MATHS,ENGLISH and

COMPUTER. Find out the total marks obtained by the student and his/her grade. The criteria for grade

calculation is as follows

Total marks Grade

>=450 A+

<450 and >=400 A

<400 and >= 350 B+

<350 and >= 300 B

<300 C

display the result on the screen.

Q12 Use the above data given on Q11 and expand the same for 10 student.

Q13. Declare a structure to represent a complex number ( a number having a real part and imaginary part). Write functions to add, subtract , multiply and divide two complex numbers.

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